with the support and training of a team & the turnkey tools to start online



Today’s Technology allow us to think global and to have more options to develop our own Project or Business.

Most people live the life they think they have to live. They are working in the city, making a living with a job or business, are usually successful but often unfulfilled and overworked, only benefiting from a few weeks of holidays per year.

But do you really think the nice places and the beach are only for holidays and the city for having a business and make a living and a career, with anything in-between being a watered down version?

Is the concept of working from anywhere you want, on the beach or at home being exceptionally vibrant and healthy in the city wholly idealistic or unrealistic? If so, you are amongst 95% of people. But what if could gather the best of these two concepts, the best of both worlds ?

Work represents a big part of our life, we spend 5/8 of our life at work...

What about running a successful business from a nice place (‘on the beach’) while inspiring positive change in the city ?

✔︎ Developing a business and making money while having an exceptional quality of life and health is what we should all make our reality

✔︎ This is available for all – man/woman; young/senior; student/independent/employed/unemployed; parents/alone

✔︎ Vibrant healthy, energy and a buoyant bank balance go hand in hand

✔︎ We can make this paradigm shift a realistic expectation for our next generation

This our responsibility and choice, and we also have the potential to inspire people to make positive changes anywhere in the world.


Our vision is to wake up millions of people to realize the tremendous potential that lies within themselves. And further, to show them how to harness and exploit this potential in the new economy, to create their own business from anywhere they would like to live.

In doing so, people will transition from reliance on their current job or occupation in the city to a life of freedom, self-reliance, and total control, with their own business. They will do good in the world by creating wealth and abundance not only for themselves, but also for their communities and those around them.

Financial independence is the way forward.


✔ International Project : Training & coaching with online conferences, webinars worldwide and huge support network.

✔ Flexibility & Quality of life : You choose when, how, and where you want to work and can balance your personal and professional life, without predefined schedule, at your rhythm, with your own virtual office, marketing tools as well as international team support.

✔ Financial Growth & Evolution : Development of a professional career & possibility of promotion and bonuses within a large company leader in the sector of health and wellness and present in 28 countries! 



More than 1.5 billion people are vatic in internet and social networks every day.

Millions form their opinions and follow people who are interesting and with whom they can identify. 

Thousands of people use social media to build up their business every day. Here, we have an innovative business model and lifestyle concept and with which you can build your own business online as well as offline.

Our concept helps you to help others; therefore, you become a role model for many other people.  

You can be part of a project leader in the fields of coaching, wellness, sport, nutrition, now in high growth & inspire healthy living around the world


You are probably here for a reason...

✔︎ Do you want to evolve, grow, contribute to something bigger?

✔︎ Are you looking for an additional income ?

✔︎ Are you a mother and would like to have more time for your children ?

✔︎ Do you enjoy working with people in a team ?

✔︎ Do you like travelling and exploring the world ?

✔︎ Are you interested in sports and health ?

✔︎ Are you driven, enjoy challenges and want to make a difference to other peoples’ lives?

✔︎ Do you want to make new friends and be part of a successful team ?

✔︎ Do you want to work from home, with flexibility around your current commitments ? Are you looking for more freedom ?

✔︎ Do you want to spend more time to spend with friends and family ?

✔︎ Do you want to become financially independent ?

✔︎ Do you want to build your business from anywhere in the world ?

With us, you can start your own business and work independently of location. 

Living a healthy and happy lifestyle is our greatest wish for you and your customers! 

Start your lifestyle business!


Our program offers a great opportunity to be part of a movement that inspires people around the world.

Contact us to apply, specifying your profile.

We will contact you within 48 hours of your application.

We will assess your application and schedule a webinar meeting with you to share the concept of our project with you and to get to know you better as well.

Take the first step today...

Apply to join the project.

It will be a new experience for you and even the opportunity to change your life!

!! Places are limited!!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the contact at the bottom of the page.


Everything starts with the first step. The first step is the decision to take a new path and master new challenges.

Our university also offers you support as you start to build your own business.

Over the years, we have built a wonderful international project, now our mission is to help people do the same.

We believe everyone deserves to follow their dreams and has the potential for it.

But all they are missing sometimes is the support tribe and the opportunity to create that. We are happy to share with you our methods and strategies.

Imagine Yourself being part of an international organisation where some of the most renowed personal development leaders guide you through a systematic process that will empower you to achieve anything you want in life!

Imagine Working together with likeminded people who share similar core values and passions and support each other to grow and reach their goals faster than ever. All of these and much more are possible and available to you through one of the most complete personal and professional development programs in the world.

Through our trainings, events, workshops, webinars, research and writings, we set about to live the mission of CC to help more and more people to make positive changes in their life, and bridge the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be. Our purpose is to help you developing the habits and strengths to live an happy and successful life.

Our systematic approach consists in providing Education (trainings, education materials), Mentorship (entrepreneurs, coaches, coaching calls and webinars), Accountability (fun and dynamic team support), Environment (network and mastermind groups).


CC is a worldwide organisation created by a team of optimists who want to make a positive impact in the world at all levels.

We are a multidisciplinary team (of any age, any horizon), with coaches, trainers, personals trainers, dynamic mums, corporate junkies, full-time business managers, empowered women or students living life on their terms. Gathered around a common passion: to inspire people towards a healthy lifestyle.

We have built an incredible organisation over the past 7 years and our mission is keep it growing, hitting all new record breaking levels and for YOU to be a part of it.

We are looking for motivated people who are ready to improve their lives, and finally have this flexibility, this choice, which allows you to say "yes" to the things that really matter to you.

Once you start your lifestyle business, you help others to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. 

In return, you then begin to build your team, which allows you to have a more significant impact on your own lifestyle business.

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Contact & Informations

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Are you willing to start your business online ?

Are you looking for a business idea or a clear marketing plan ?

Are you looking to optimize your business ?

Book a consultation with us now!

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